Financial statements, budgets, variance reports:
- Annual reports
- Expenditure over £25,000
- Senior staff (See Annual Reports)
- Levels of pay by salary range for all other posts
- All new suppliers should comply with the Supplier representatives’ policy which is available on the Trust website here: Please email prior to arranging any onsite visit. Please send all enquiries to the Procurement team’s general email address:
- For contracting opportunities and information, please utilise Contract Finder: This site assists you in exploring and searching business opportunities.
Class 3: What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Annual report
- Annual business plan
- Targets, aims and objectives
- Strategic direction documents (5 year plan)
- Performance information
- Reports by regulatory organisations
- Audit reports delivered at board level
- Clinical strategy
- Service user surveys
- Impact assessments
Class 4: How we make decisions
- Board papers and agendas
- Patient and public engagement strategy
- Public consultations
Class 5: Our policies and procedures
Trust policies are available here.
Trust procedures are available here.
Class 6: Lists and registers
- Publicly available registers
- List of main suppliers
- Asset registers
- Information asset register
- The Trust uses CCTV and notices are displayed in areas where CCTV is installed
- Registers of interest
- Register of gift and hospitality
- Disclosure log
Class 7: The services we offer
- Clinical services provided
- Non-clinical services
- Services for which we are entitled to recover a fee
- Patient support groups
- Patient information leaflets
- Patient advice and liaison services (PALS)
- Advice and guidance
- Corporoate communications and media releases
If you are unable to access the Publication Scheme via the designated link, then please contact the Publication Scheme Co-ordinator who would be happy to assist you with your enquiry by either supplying you with a paper copy of the relevant information or inviting you to attend the Trust's premises to inspect the information yourself.
Please contact the:
Publication Scheme Co-ordinator
University Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Ground Floor, Brittany House
Brest Road